As the name suggests, sometimes products are needed in different color variations Diamond Rings, jewelry. We provide jewelry photo retouching services for the products of any complexity and made of any materials: from precious metals to costume jewelry, with and without gemstones. Jewelry photos require intense Photoshop manipulations: blemishes removal, color correction, re-drawing of important parts, blinks and reflections, making the images more acute, and, of course, working with gems. Gems might be left unprocessed if it is necessary to keep their natural features or they might be deeply enhanced up to full replacement (e.g. if there are lots of small gems on one product.
There are a lot of special techniques and strategies that are applied to a ghost mannequin photo. Ghost mannequin is our garment front and interior, and show we how to use the ghost mannequin technique to merge them together. Note that the interior photo does fit the guidelines stated above, so you’ll gain an understanding of how to work with images that are less than perfect.Full product work is a ghost mannequin service where you want to capture the entire body rather than just the upper body. For instance, if you are selling a complete outfit, such as a suit or dress, then you will need to have ghost mannequin effects for the top and bottom. This means the legs, arms and neck areas of the ghost mannequin will need to be captured.
Product Photographers generally shoot one picture of such products and rest is done by us. The trick is to recolor the products in such a way that these look natural and not artificial Photo Re-coloring is not only effective when it comes to product.
Removing a reflection from a photograph using Photoshop is a challenge. There are many different types of reflections and each requires a different approach. Small light reflection artifacts or lens flares frequently mar outdoor photographs. To remove a small glare in a glass window you need to blend it back into its background. If you want to remove a reflection in a mirror, you need to replace that part of the image with other pixels. Use a deft touch to reconstruct reality and match light and atmospheric levels.